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Ross Peterson


September 12, 1931


Second Member of Bandit Pair Who Slew Officer Is Still at Large


Gun Battle is Fatal to Policeman at High School

Although an intensive search was instituted yesterday by Reno police to ferret out the fugitive, no trace was reported at a late hour last night of the wounded burglar who escaped from the Reno High School building late Thursday night, where he engaged in a gun battle in which Ross Peterson, Reno policeman and a second burglar identified as George Welsh, ex-convict, were killed.

Every avenue of escape from the city has been guarded and every possible clue which might lead to the whereabouts of the missing man was being investigated last night. The net is widespread and it is not believed the man can long remain at large.

City Shocked

The entire city was shocked yesterday at the news of the tragedy at the Reno High School at a late hour Thursday night, which did not become known until the bodies of two men were discovered shortly before six o’clock yesterday morning when J.H.Reed, janitor, arrived to open the school building for the day.

The body of Welsh was lying on the floor of the main hall close to a door leading to the library. That of Peterson was near the door of the outer office of Principal E.O. Vaughn where Peterson mortally wounded apparently had made an effort to reach a telephone to notify police headquarters.

Fifteen bullet holes and 14 empty cartridge shells, found in and about the hallway and library room, showed the terrific battle which had taken place between Peterson and the burglars and the courageous fight the officer had made for his life.

Surprised Burglars

Peterson, who was assigned to duty at the high school building Tuesday as night watchman during the opening days of school, surprised the burglars as they entered the school, with the intent to open the safe in quest of money believed to have been left there from students’ books and other deposits.

…Peterson according to a reconstruction of the tragedy, probably was on the first floor where he converged with Bell when the latter departed. He no doubt heard the crash of the glass and accosted the men as they come up the stairs. That the men met at close quarters is evident from bruises on Peterson’s body and powder marks on Welsh’s hands.

Bloodstain Found

After Peterson and Welsh fell, it is believed the second burglar made his getaway. Blood at the foot of the stairs, at the broken window, and along the walk at the rear of the building indicates that he was badly wounded. From the direction of several of the bullets it is believed Peterson continued the battle after being wounded and lying on the floor.

…Officer Peterson was widely known in Reno and vicinity, his parents being early settlers of the valley. He had resided here all his life. …He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Olive S. Peterson, and three sisters, Mrs. H.C.Dickinson, and Mrs. C.H. Knox of Reno and Mrs. Harry Knox of Los Angeles.


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