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Paul B. DeWeert

Police Officer Paul B. DeWeert of the Las Vegas Police Department


October 9, 1967


“No Motive” In Killing of 20 Year Vet

A man who spent more than 20 years of his life on the Las Vegas Police Department ended up with his face in the street last night – shot in the head.

Murdered at the dimly-lighted corner of Civic Center Drive and Perliter Avenue in North Las Vegas was Sgt. Paul B. (Pappy) DeWeert, 60. He was scheduled to retire next February.

The murder was discovered at 8:25 p.m. when John R. Burrow Jr. of 2501 E. Perliter Ave., told his father he heard some loud voices and what he thought was a shot.

Checking his son’s report, Burrow found DeWeert sprawled beside his truck, its door open and motor running.

“He moved his arm a little,” Burrow said, “but that was all. I turned around and ran in the hose to call the police but my wife already had them on the line. The rest of the time, I was directing traffic.”

Portable floodlights from the Sheriff’s Office were called for and the area immediately roped off. Officers then were already starting a microscopic search of the area and photographing everything in sight.

Stunned, shocked and unbelieving law officers flocked to the scene where DeWeert lay beside his truck-camper, sprawled face down on the blood stained asphalt, shot through the left eye at close range.

…Las Vegas Deputy Chief of Police Pete Witcher said, “The only lead we have at present is the description of a vehicle given us by a 9-year-old boy — an old model green Army style Jeep. Beyond this, we have nothing to go on.”


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