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William J. Kelly

Police Badge circa 1879

A Tragedy

A Man Stabbed and a Woman Shot

Reese River Reveille

August 7, 1876

About 9 o’clock last night a stabbing and shooting scrape occurred on Cedar Street between William J. Kelley, late night watchman in this city, and a woman named Adelia Davis, in which Kelley was stabbed through the heart and almost instantly killed, and Adelia Davis shot through the thigh. As near as we can find out, the origin of this tragedy occurred on the race track yesterday. It seems that Adelia Davis and Molly Cotton had a quarrel which ended in a rough and tumble fight, and that Kelley separated the two combatants. After the races were over the parties returned to this city, and at the time indicated above a pistol shot was heard in the direction of Cedar Street which caused a crowd to rush that way. Arriving in front of Ralph Woodward’s saloon Kelley was found on the ground in a pool of blood, and upon investigation it was ascertained that he had been stabbed through the heart. He was not long suffering, as he died a few minutes after the crowd gathered around him. He was taken to Fireman’s Hall, where an examination of his wound was made by Dr. Huntsman. The woman, who claims to have been shot by Kelley, ran into Woodward’s saloon, where she reminded until after an examination of her wound was made by the physician, and was subsequently taken to her residence. This seems to be a very complicated case, and we find it impossible to get the facts.

August 9, 1876

In Jail – Adelia Davis, the woman charged with the murder of William J. Kelly, was last evening taken from her residence and conducted into the County Jail. Upon inquiry we learn that she is fast recovering from her wound which she received on Sunday night.


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